Current Schedule and Volunteer Opporunities
There is an Open Air Church service every Sunday. We meet in the parking lot on the corner of 17th St. and Florida. Sunday Worship Service is at noon.
The member churches rotate their involvement on a weekly basis. FPC is the host church for Sunday School/Bible Study and the Worship Service on the first Sunday of the month. Broadmoor Methodist is the host on the second Sunday, UBC and Christ Covenant host the third Sunday, and St. Andrew’s serves on the fourth Sunday. Where there is a month with a “fifth Sunday” the churches will collaborate on a special service, called the “Jubilee Service.”
Open Air needs more churches to join the effort. If you are a member at one of the member churches, contact your churchfor volunteer opportunities. It is fair to say that every person has talents that can be put to godly use. You can participate at the service in any number of ways, including:
- leading Sunday School/Bible Study;
- leading or providing music;
- offering a prayer or testimony;
- reading scripture;
- acting as a greeter,
- providing food and drinks;
- serving lunch
- praying with individuals or small groups before, during, and after the service; and
- maybe most importantly, worshipping side by side with the homeless as part of this unified congregation of Christians.